Medical Device Animation Services

Bringing Your Medical Devices to Life with Engaging Animation

Medical device animation services

For those of you who haven’t heard the term before (or still think that animations are only used in children’s TV shows), medical device animation services are specialist animation services, tailored to the medical device industry

Medical device animation encompasses videos for a wide range of medical devices, plus any and all target audiences. For example, these animations can be used for medical devices, software and technologies. Then, the videos can be geared to inform medical students, product stakeholders, medical patients, healthcare professionals (who would be using the device for the first time), and product development teams. 

In short, medical device animations can be used for everything from helping to settle a patient’s nerves by explaining how a device supports a specific procedure, to enabling product development teams to see how the device works (and its benefits) within the context of a real-life medical scenario. 

So, those are the use cases, but why should medical device manufacturers invest in animations specifically? 

The unique benefits unlocked by medical device animations include: 

  • Strengthening communication and ensuring key messages are delivered clearly
  • Improving education, and making training more precise and relevant
  • Breaking down and simplifying complex concepts 
  • Illustrating how the device works, in context 
  • Creating detailed product simulations  
  • Allowing device demonstrations to be shown in medical contexts and scenarios (such as surgeries, which would otherwise be impossible to see) 
  • Educating and comforting patients 
  • Fostering research and development 
  • Creating impactful and innovative marcomms materials 

Why are medical device animations needed?

With these benefits, medical device animations help the industry to improve its communication, across the board. Using these animations, product manufacturers can ensure their target audiences understand how the product works, what its benefits are, and how it can support specific medical practices, in full. 

Given the complexity of the product and its use cases, this clarity of communication is invaluable, but notoriously difficult to achieve. But, by creating bespoke animations that feature a precisely crafted script and tailored visual elements presented in medical contexts, these critical messages can be delivered as clearly as possible. This even includes demonstrating how the device works in its exact medical context, which would otherwise be impossible.  

Animation serves to simplify even the most complex concepts, improving understanding while also increasing topic retention. 

Beyond the benefits of clearly communicating your product’s use cases and USPs, animation also enables medical device manufacturers to strengthen their brand identity

By creating and sharing these videos, manufacturers can illustrate their innovative and design-led approaches. With bold and modern branded animations, they can assert themselves as pioneering and forward-thinking manufacturers, who are constantly innovating, and remain at the forefront of the industry. 

Our approach to medical device animation

At OK Social, we are a specialist medical device animation studio, and we have worked with numerous medical device brands, to support and enhance their communication strategies. 

To give you a sense of how it all works, our approach to creating a medical device animation for a client is as follows: 

  • Step 1: Outline & Brief - Create and gather an overview of the campaign’s background and objectives, a short brand statement, the key challenges that the campaign will resolve, the target audience, the device’s main competitors, the brand’s values and marketing positioning, and the intended communication channels for the campaign.
  • Step 2: Script & Style - outlining all of the video’s events and the script for the voiceover. Both of these elements will need to be carefully drafted, reviewed and amended, to ensure the device is being displayed and described with complete accuracy and clarity. In parallel, the animation’s visual style will be created, based on the brand guidelines of the device manufacturer. 
  • Step 3: Storyboarding & Prep - at this stage, a visual representation of the script is presented. In this document (known as a storyboard), the narrative flow of the video is outlined, scene by scene, from start to finish.
  • Step 4: Animation & Production - once the script and storyboard have been reviewed, amended and approved, these elements are brought to life. During the production stage, the visuals are created, while aligning to the outline, brief and vision that were fixed in the previous stages.
  • Step 5: Audio Mix & Delivery - finally, music and audio effects are added to the animation, to achieve its final look and feel. This process includes creating and editing the sound mixing, background music, sound effects and graphics, to finalise the video. Finally, once complete, we send it to the client for their feedback, before taking in any other necessary revisions. 

Benefits of using animation for your medical devices

Medical device animations unlock numerous transformative benefits for the industry. Whether it’s a medical e-learning animation to support patient education, or a medical equipment explainer video for the reference of medical professionals, these animations offer unique advantages, across a broad range of audience types. 

The benefits of medical device animation include:

  • Visual clarity: Animation illustrates and delivers medical concepts in a far simpler way than text or image-based content.
  • Educational tool: By using animation to create demonstrations of a medical device, showcasing the tool can be made more engaging and memorable for students.
  • Marketing advantages: Dynamic animations can captivate audiences and boost engagement metrics. Alongside this, these animations can also differentiate products in a competitive market, thereby boosting brand identity and brand recognition, and effectively conveying the value proposition of medical devices.
  • Compliance and regulatory support: Animation can provide support during regulatory meetings, by providing clear and concise explanations for the device’s operation, mechanics and other key points.
  • Cost-effective communication: When you work with a medical device animation studio, your animation can be adapted to be used across a wide range of marketing materials and channels. This means a whole host of repurposable content, from just one original video. 
  • Global accessibility - The beauty of digital assets is that they can easily be distributed online. This means that, once your animation is finished, you can instantaneously share it with a global team, with an international client base, on your social channels, medical practitioners that you work with, or any combination of the above. 
  • Improved recall and engagement - Animation boasts extraordinary levels of retention and engagement amongst its audiences. As a result, this medium is a great way to enhance the message and maximise these two key metrics.

What can medical device animation services be used for?

The uses of medical device animation services can include:

  • Product demonstrations - to help customers better understand how the device works, what its benefits and USPs are, and best practices for its safe and effective usage.
  • Training and education - medical e-learning animations can be incorporated into lessons for medical students, to ensure they have a solid understanding of the latest medical technologies, and how they can be used in a real-life context. 
  • Patient education - equally, medical equipment explainer videos can also be adapted to help educate patients. These videos are a great way to set patients at ease, and help them feel informed and comfortable about a particular device, how it works, and how it ensures the maximum level of safety for a procedure. 
  • Marketing and promotion - thanks to their high level of engagement, strong brand identity and bold, creative visuals, these animations are also a fantastic addition to marketing campaigns for medical devices. 
  • Trade shows, exhibitions and industry events - alongside social media campaigns, medical device animations are also an extremely effective way to make your booth stand out. You can keep your animation(s) on loop, creating an effortless and affordable way to garner attention for your stand. 
  • Sales presentations - equally, embedding an animation within your sales presentation is sure to help your product stand out, and stick in the customers’ minds. At the same time, including an animation will ensure that your audience knows exactly how the product works, and the benefits that it offers. 
  • Regulatory submissions - these animations will help the relevant bodies confirm with clarity that you are fulfilling all of the relevant medical educational legal requirements. 

Why work with a motion graphic studio specialist like OK Social?

OK Social is a medical device motion design studio, specialising in the creation of bold, impactful and memorable medical device animations. 

As a professional medical product animation studio, we have a talented team with years of experience working with animation. When you work with us, you will gain the insights, skills and support of dedicated illustration, animation, scriptwriting and audio specialists, with decades of industry experience. 

We work with all of our customers on a close one-to-one basis, ensuring each animation is tailored to strengthen their brand identity and achieve all of the client’s KPIs.

This is why we’re the trusted animation studio of the likes of Coca-Cola, the NHS, Lloyds Pharmacy, Ford, and many more. 

So, to find out how we can benefit your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch